The Pursuit of Happiness is Meaningless - Let Me Explain Why

If you are in search of happiness, my advice is to give up now! Your search is useless, never find the you are looking for is not there. Resign themselves to the fact that is simply not available.
However - do not despair because I have some good news for you.
Stop looking for happiness. Stop immediately.
If your pursuit of happiness that you are looking in the wrong place. Why? This is because happiness is not available. You already have - inside you.
Most people think that things make them happy, and looking at these things. If they had that car or a house, or past the holiday, or have a wonderful husband, or money or wealth, or the love of their life would be happy. The list is endless. This thinking is wrong thinking. Things do not make you happy. The most we can do is help things make you happy.
Let me give you an example.
Have you ever said to yourself, "If I had X, I'd be happy." Or "X" is a private house, the house of your dreams. Having the home of your dreams means that you will never be unhappy again? No, you still have days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You both happy and unhappy days while living in the home of your dreams.
In the best of X, or the home of their dreams, they can not help yourself, for example, have the pleasure to be on that porch (though unfortunate) and watch the sun rise.
So if your dream X not make you happy makes you happy?
You make me happy, it's as simple as that!
Happiness is a choice. This is a decision. Happiness is internal, not external. And you're still you, available 24/7 at any time.
To be happy just to choose to be happy.
Have you met people who seem to have everything, but they are not happy? Have you met people who seem to have nothing, but always seem to be happy? Yes How is this possible? This is because happiness is a choice.
By choosing to be happy, there are two things to consider. These are:
1) Can I choose to be happy now?
2) Can I choose to be happy in the future?
Happiness is a state. You are in complete control of their state at a given time (but not enough).
How does your state control?
Remember that if you remember a time when you were happy that you start to feel happy, or if you remember a time when you were laughing their heads start to laugh his head. You can take complete control of how you feel all the time, simply by remembering to remember the good times.
So all you need to do to be happy is now
1) decide to be happy and
2) remember a time when you were happy and feel to their increased level of happiness. The more details you remember your moments of happiness and many happy moments you remember the happiest.
Your happiness in your future depends on the decisions you take now on how to act in accordance (or not) with their values. If you decide to act on their values ​​are more likely to be happy. If you act in a manner that conflicts with their values ​​that are less likely to be happy.
To give you a better chance of happiness you need to make happiness a priority and invest in their happiness, do not leave it to chance. Plan happiness in his diary, then keep your appointment.
So start to be happy today, the choice to be happy and make happiness a priority in your life.
Damian Miles is a life coach and NLP and an expert in helping people to live the life of your dreams - for more information on how you can start living your dream life and start doing TODAY visit http:// Damian